If you as a teacher or as a manager use an online test maker, it can completely change the way you create and give your tests.
For many years words like “test”, “quiz”, or “exam” instantly prompted in our minds the picture of a classroom with a lot of tables and chairs. Many people were sitting there, holding their pencils. They were scrupulously writing something on the sheets of paper.
But things have changed. Today, if you use an online test maker to create your quizzes, you don’t need pencils and paper at all.
Moreover, with an online test maker and grader like HmmQuiz you also don’t need to use a classroom, or some other examination environment with computers. It can be used by both instructors and test takers even on their smartphones.
HmmQuiz is an online test maker that is used by teachers, businesses, and other types of organizations.
Sign up and start your free 15-day trial period today.
How an online test maker can help you reduce the paperwork

Online test makers allow you to create and manage your quizzes and exams on almost any device imaginable. Everything can be done on a desktop PC, a laptop, a tablet PC, or a smartphone.
Whether you make a test, add questions to it, schedule the tests for your test takers, or analyze tests results — it all happens in the window of your favorite web browser. None of these steps require you to write or print something on paper.
When there’s no need in paper to perform some education-related or business-related task it is great news for many reasons from many different perspectives.
Online test maker can help teachers and businesses save a lot of money
First of all, you can save a lot of money. Paper isn’t cheap, and the printers and printer consumables are even more expensive.
Besides, if you continued testing your students or employees without an online test maker software, then you would also need a lot of other office supplies. Pens, pencils, markers, staplers, folders, and even table drawers, shelves, or filing cabinets — you would have to have all of it.

So, even though at the first glance it might look like tests on paper cost not that much, it’s not what happens in reality. The total amount of money that is usually spent on them can be many thousands of dollars.
At the same time, online testing tools like HmmQuiz are available for just a few dozen dollars a month or even less. So, moneywise, an online test maker software is usually a solution that’s at least worthy to be considered as an alternative to the old approach to testing.
Additional advantages of paperless testing
With an online test maker you also can save a lot of space. As it was already mentioned above, if you use paper for your tests, you need to store somewhere a lot of things related to them. As a result, you have to allocate some space for these things. Without them it could be used for something else.
Also, if it’s possible not to use paper for some task, it should be done, because it helps our planet. Production and the entire life cycles of paper, pens, plastic folders, and especially printers and printer consumables are not the healthiest things that happen to the nature and the environment around us.
If you’re looking for an online test maker software, try HmmQuiz.
Click here to start your free 15-day trial period today.
Use online test maker software to save your time

Whether you are a teacher or a manager, time is always the most precious resource that you have at your disposal.
You probably always think about how to improve the efficiency of the processes you are a part of. Is there anything you spend a lot of time on that can be avoided or, at least, become less time-consuming?
Is there a room for improvements with the new software that could help you automate some of your routine tasks and, as a result, save a lot of time?
In business, the employee education and testing are important parts of corporate culture
In the modern economy every successful company is built around its corporate culture. To know impeccably your customers and products or services your company offers to your clients is the most important part of it.
It doesn’t matter whether your business is a big factory or a small restaurant. There’s always a very specific set of knowledge and skills your employees must have in order to help your business grow and be successful.
It means that at some point you need to both educate your employees and test their knowledge in order to make sure that your system works as expected. An online test maker is probably the best solution in such a situation.
Why the old way of testing is less efficient than using an online test maker

Testing knowledge of your students, or training and testing employees can be very time-consuming tasks. If you do it with a pen and paper, you have to do manually a lot of things.
- Print the test.
- Find a free room with enough tables and chairs.
- Spend some time with the test takers while they are taking the test.
- Collect all the papers.
- Check the answers.
- Calculate final scores for each test taker.
- Analyze all results to understand where your training was less effective than you expected.
And you have to do it over and over again.
Today, when literally everything is automated with various web applications and online services, there must be a better way of doing it. And, of course, such a solution exists.
A list of things you don’t need to do if you have an online test maker
Today you don’t need to do any of those things listed above. Modern web applications, like HmmQuiz, will do half of these tasks for you automatically. And the second half will be simply unnecessary.
With HmmQuiz, you don’t need to print anything on paper. The tests will be created and taken online.
As a result, you don’t need to find a free room for testing. If your test takers have smartphones, that’s all you need.
It’s also great that when you use an online test maker, you don’t need to sit and watch your test takers taking the test. The application will control the process with an automated timer.
A huge advantage of an online test maker is that in most cases you don’t need to check the answers manually. HmmQuiz will do it for you automatically as well.
Probably, the most important part is that with HmmQuiz you don’t need to calculate final scores. A test maker software will do it for you automatically too.
Finally, you don’t need to compare manually different test takers’ exam results. Usually you do this to understand which questions were more difficult for your students or employees than the others. The web app, such as HmmQuiz, will prepare the aggregate statistics for you automatically.
Do you want to test employees of your company, job applicants, or students?
Try HmmQuiz – an online examination software that allows you to make tests, quizzes, and exams.
How an online test maker can help you analyze results of your quizzes

In HmmQuiz you can easily analyze both aggregate data, automatically calculated by the application from the tests results of all the people who took this quiz, and, of course, individual results of each test taker.
To open the page with the aggregate test results, log into your HmmQuiz account. Then in the main menu select the “Results” section.
Next in the “Results” table click on the “Details” button in the row with the test result you want to analyze.
At the top of the page you’ll see the title of the test, the name of the group of the quiz takers it was assigned to, and the date and time when it started.
To the right of these elements you’ll also find the “Export to CSV file” button. It allows you to save all the content of the current page to a file on your computer. You can open it with a spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel. We’ll discuss it in more detail below in this article.
There’s also a brief description of the current test settings, for example, what was the passing score. The chart placed next to the test settings description shows how many test takers passed the test, and how many of them failed or didn’t take it.
The bottom part of the test result page contains two tabs, “Quiz Takers’ Results” and “Questions”.
How to analyze all quiz takers’ results

On the “Quiz Takers’ Results” tab you can see the full list of all the test takers that were included into the current class for this test.
Here you will see how much time a test taker used to complete the test, their result (passed, failed, or not taken), and the final score.
If you allowed test takers to use several attempts to pass the quiz, next to the final score you’ll see the number of the last attempt used, for example, [att. 2], which can also tell you a lot about how difficult the test was for the test taker.
You can sort the table by the content of most of its columns by simply clicking on the column title. For instance, you can sort the results by the “Result” column in order to quickly see who passed the test or who didn’t take it.
It can also be useful to take in account how much time each test taker took to complete the test. If most of them did it too quickly or, on the contrary, used all the time they were allowed to use, it might be a sign that the time limit in the test settings should be changed.
Analyze aggregate stats for all questions in the test
On the “Questions” tab you will find aggregate stats for all of the questions that were included into the current quiz.

For each question you can see the question body and the image or video attached to it (of any).
The stats are presented in three columns — “Correct”, “Partially Correct”, and “Wrong”. In each column there are an aggregate number and % of all the answers given by test takers that fit this category.
Click on any column title in order to sort the content of the “Questions” tab according to the number of questions with answers that were marked as correct or, for example, as wrong. It will help you figure out which questions were too difficult or too easy to answer for your students or for employees when you test them online.
Analyze each test taker’s result
Usually, you also have to analyze a test taker’s result and see all the answers given by her or him to all the questions. To do this, on the “Quiz Taker’s Results” tab find the test taker you need first. It’s convenient to use the search box at the top of the tab for this task. Then click on the “Details” button.

On the top of the next page you’ll see the name of the test taker, the test title, and other general information about the quiz.
To the right of this data you might also notice a set buttons. They allow you to quickly switch between all the quiz takers’ results.
In the main part of the page there are all the questions with all the answers given by the test taker. All of them here are displayed in the same order the quiz taker saw them during the test.
So, if in the test settings you enabled features that randomized the order of questions and answers, it will be accurately reflected on the quiz taker’s test result page. Therefore, you can analyze how the particular order of questions or answers may affect the complexity of the test.
HmmQuiz is a test maker software that allows you to create quizzes and exams online.
Click here to start your free 15-day trial period.
Export test results from your online test maker
Since HmmQuiz is an online test maker, everything you do in this application happens and is stored online.
This is very convenient. You don’t have to worry about local servers to run such a tool. Also, everything you have in this app is available for you anywhere you might need it.
You can use HmmQuiz on your work computer, on a tablet, or even on your smartphone when you’re at home or, for example, taking a train.
But sometimes you might need more than just data that is stored somewhere in the so called “cloud-based LMS”. You might want to have a backup copy of all of the exam results on your local computer. Or, maybe, you need all of the results to be imported into some other application you also use to manage your students or company’s employees.
If for any reason you need a local copy of any test result, in HmmQuiz you can easily export it to the CSV file and download this file to your computer.
The letters CSV stand for “Comma-Separated Values”. In other words, it’s just a text document where everything is represented similarly to a table, and each cell of this table is separated from other cells by commas.
You can open such a file in any text editor, like Notepad for Microsoft Windows, or TextEdit for MacOS. Or, and it’s much more common solution, you can open it with your favorite spreadsheet program, like Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
How to export the online exam result to a CSV file
To export any test result to a CSV file, go to the “Results” section of your HmmQuiz account and click on the “Details” button.

If your test is already finished, in the top right corner of the page with its results you will see the “Export to CSV file” button. All you need to do is click on it. This button isn’t displayed when the test is still active. Instead you will see the “Finish test now” button.
When the CSV file is created by HmmQuiz, your web browser will save it on your computer. You will find it the folder all the downloads usually go to. Of course, unless you specified the custom folder when the browser asked you about it.
Open the CSV file with your test result in the spreadsheet software

If you open the file with the text editor, you’ll see all the main data related to the exam result you just exported.
To work with this data in your spreadsheet software, launch a program and use “File” – “Open” menu (or equivalent).
The program will likely show you an additional window. There you can define how exactly you’d like to import this file.
Sometimes it’s necessary to follow a different path. For example, your Microsoft Excel might not “understand” that it’s a regular table in the file. Instead in might show all the data in a single cell per row. In this case simply open the “Data” tab and in the “Get & Transform Data” section click on the “From Text/CSV” button.
Make tests online with HmmQuiz.