One of the advantages of online testing tools like HmmQuiz is that they allow you to create questions for your online tests once, and use them multiple times in many different quizzes and exams, without the necessity to enter these questions again from scratch.
When you create a question in HmmQuiz, it’s automatically added to your Question Pool — the database of questions within your HmmQuiz account.
Every HmmQuiz user that created a Super Administrator’s account (in other words, any user that registered in the application using this page) has their own Question Pool, independent from other users’ questions databases.
Other HmmQuiz users (of course, except for your quiz takers) cannot have access to your questions, unless it’s an administrator or an instructor added by you or your administrator within your HmmQuiz environment.
How to use questions from your Question Pool
In order to see all the questions that you have in your Question Pool, go to the “New Question” page for the test you’re working with.
You can do it either during the new test creation process, by clicking on the “Save & Add First Question” button, or at any time later, via the “Add Question” button on the page with all the questions that you added to the current test.

On the “New Question” page, if your database of questions is not empty, at the top of the page you will see the button “Choose from your Question Pool”, with the number of questions available in the database, except for those that are already added to this quiz.
If all the questions from your Question Pool are already included in the current test, you won’t see this button.
On the Question Pool page you can filter items by the question type (Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, True or False, Type in the Answer, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice Text, and Free Text) and by category created by you when you were adding tests, questions, or classes.
In case you opened your questions database in order to find some particular question, you can also use a search field to quickly find the item you’re looking for.
Any question that’s available in the Question Pool can be included into the current test if you click on the “Add to Test” button.

If you open the page with all of the questions added to some test, which can be accessed by clicking on the “Questions” button in the list of all of your tests in the “Tests” section of your HmmQuiz account, you can remove any question from this test using one of the two buttons.
The first button, “Remove from the test”, removes the question from the current test, but it doesn’t delete it from the Question Pool. So, if you want to completely remove this question from your HmmQuiz environment, click on the other button, “Remove from all tests and delete from the Question Pool”. Please note that in this case the question will also be deleted from other tests that might be using it.